
gastop can either be run from the command line, or used in a python script.

Command Line

If it was installed from PyPI using pip, it can be run from the command line as:

$ gastop <config_file_path>

If the code was cloned from github instead, the normal commandline shortcut will not be installed. It can still be run from the repository main directory as:

$ python -m gastop <config_file_path>

In either case, additional arguments can be passed via the command line:

usage: gastop [-h] [-p] [-g] [-t] [-q | -d] config_path

positional arguments:
config_path          file path to gastop config file

optional arguments:
-h, --help           show this help message and exit
-p , --pop_size      population size. If not specified, defaults to what is
                     in config.
-g , --num_gens      number of generations. If not specified, defaults to
                     what is in config.
-t , --num_threads   number of threads to use. If not specified, defaults to
                     what is in config.
-q, --quiet          hide progress display window
-d, --display        show progress display window

Python Package

gastop can also be used from within python, either in a script or interactively.

import gastop
config_file_path = "./path_to_config_file.txt"
ga = gastop.GenAlg(config_file_path)
best_truss, history =, progress_display=1, num_threads=4)

For a full description of available commands and options, see the API Documentation