
Pyramid Example Configuration File

user_spec_nodes = '[[0,-.5,0],[0,.5,0],[0,0,1],[2,0,0]]'
loads = '[[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,-10000,0,0,0]]'
fixtures = '[[1,1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1,1],[0,0,0,0,0,0]]'
num_rand_nodes = 10 # int
num_rand_edges = 10 # int
properties_path = 'gastop-config/properties.csv'
domain = '[[-1, -1, -1], [5, 1, 2]]'
equation = weighted_sum
       goal_fos = 4
       critical_nodes = '[3]'
       w_fos = 10000
       w_mass = 1
       w_deflection = 100
struct_solver = mat_struct_analysis_DSM
mass_solver = mass_basic
interferences_solver = blank_test
cost_solver = cost_calc
num_threads = 1
pop_size = 1500
num_generations = 50
num_elite = 15
percent_mutation =
percent_crossover =
save_frequency = 5
save_filename_prefix = Recorded_States_
progress_fitness = True
progress_truss = True
# optional stuff
rng_seed =
node_crossover_method =
edge_crossover_method =
property_crossover_method =
node_mutator_method =
edge_mutator_method =
property_mutator_method =
      std =
      proportions =
      proportions =
method =
       tourn_size =
       tourn_prob =

Pyramid Example Results

For this example there are three nodes that are fixed in all six degrees of freedom at XYZ locations [0,-.5,0] , [0,.5,0] , [0,0,1]. A load is applied at [2,0,0] in the negative Z direction with a magnitude of 10,000 N. The genetic algorithm uses a population size of 1500, runs for 50 generations, and is the structure is required to have a safety factor of four. The displacement is minimized for node 3 which is the loaded node at [2,0,0]. To run this example the command is as shown below:

$ gastop gastop-config/struct_making_test_init2.txt

The results of this simulation are:

Simple Truss Optimization Result and Command Line Printout

Here the fixed nodes are shown in green, the loads are shown in red, and the truss is shown in black. The blue lines show how the truss deforms under the load magnified by a factor of 50 to be visible. The evolution of the optimization algorithm is shown here:

Simple Truss Optimization Evolution

Cantilever Example Results

For this example there are six nodes that are fixed in all six degrees of freedom at XYZ locations [0,0,0], [0,0.001,1], [0,1.5,0], [0,1.5001,1], [0,3,0], [0,3.0001,1]. Three loads are applied at [3,0,1], [3,1.5,1], [3,3,1] in the negative Z direction, each with a magnitude of 1000 N. The genetic algorithm uses a population size of 1000, runs for 250 generations, and is the structure is required to have a safety factor of four. The displacement is minimized for node 7 which is the middle loaded node at [3,1.5,1]. To run this example the command is as shown below:

$ gastop gastop-config/init_cantilevered_test.txt

The results of this simulation are:

Cantilevered Optimization Result and Command Line Printout

Here the fixed nodes are shown in green, the loads are shown in red, and the truss is shown in black. The blue lines show how the truss deforms under the load magnified by a factor of 50 to be visible.