Source code for

This file is a part of GASTOp
Authors: Amlan Sinha, Cristian Lacey, Daniel Shaw, Paul Kaneelil, Rory Conlin, Susan Redmond
Licensed under GNU GPLv3.
This module implements the FitnessFunction class.

import numpy as np

[docs]class FitnessFunction(): """Implements fitness functions for computing fitness scores. The fitness function assigns a single value to each truss based on various parameters, so that comparisons between trusses can be made. The class is designed to be instantiated as a FitnessFunction object which operates on Truss objects to assign a fitness score, though methods from the class may also be called directly. """
[docs] def __init__(self, equation, parameters): """Creates a FitnessFunction object Once created, the object acts like a function and can be called on a Truss object to assign it a fitness score. Args: equation (string): The name of the method to be used to compute fitness, as a string. eg, ``'weighted_sum'`` or ``'rosenbrock'``. parameters (dict): Dictionary of keyword parameter values for the method specified in *equation*. Returns: FitnessFunction callable object """ self.equation = getattr(self, equation) self.parameters = parameters # dictionary
[docs] @staticmethod def weighted_sum(truss, goal_fos, critical_nodes, w_fos, w_mass, w_deflection): """Computes fitness score using a weighted sum of parameters. Args: truss (Truss object): truss to be scored. Must have *mass*, *fos*, and *deflections* attributes defined (for example, by using evaluator). goal_fos (float >= 0): Desired factor of safety. Trusses with a smaller fos will be penalized according to *w_fos*. critical_nodes (int, array): Array of nodes #s for which deflection should be minimized. If empty, defaults to all. w_fos (float >= 0): Penalty weight for low fos. Only applied if truss.fos < *goal_fos*. w_mass (float >= 0): Penalty applied to mass. Relative magnitude of *w_mass* and *w_fos* determines importance of minimizing mass vs maximizing fos. w_deflection (float >=0, array): Penalty applied to deflections. If scalar, applies the same penalty to all critical nodes. Can also be an array the same size as *critical_nodes* in which case different penalties will be applied to each node. Returns: float: Fitness score. Computed as: :math:`f = w_{m} m + w_{fos}\max{(\mathrm{fos}_{goal}-\mathrm{fos}_{min}, 0)} + w_{def} ||\mathrm{deflections}||_2` :math:`m` is the mass of the stucture, :math:`\mathrm{fos}_{min}` is the lowest fos for the structure under all load conditions. If :math:`\mathrm{fos}_{min} > \mathrm{fos}_{goal}`, no fos penalty is applied, so f depends only on mass and deflections. """ if truss.fos.size: minfos = truss.fos.min() else: minfos = 0 if critical_nodes.size: deflections = truss.deflection[critical_nodes][:, :3] else: deflections = truss.deflection[:, :3] deflection_score = np.sum( w_deflection*np.sqrt(np.sum(deflections**2, axis=1))) fs = np.maximum(goal_fos - minfos, 0) f = w_mass*truss.mass + w_fos*fs + deflection_score return f
[docs] @staticmethod def sphere(truss): """Sum of squares of node array elements. aka, sphere function. Global min at x = 0 where f = 0. This method is primarily supplied for testing of the genetic algorithm, and should not be used for structural design. Args: truss (Truss object): only uses truss object as container for nodes. No other attributes needed. Returns: float: Fitness score. Computed as :math:`f(x) = \Sigma_{i=1}^n x_i^2` :math:`n` is determined from size of nodes array, :math:`x_i` are entries of node array. """ x = truss.rand_nodes.flatten() f = np.sum(x**2) return f
[docs] @staticmethod def rosenbrock(truss): """n-dimensional Rosenbrock function. Sum of n/2 2D Rosenbrock functions. Global min at x=1 where f=0. This method is primarily supplied for testing of the genetic algorithm, and should not be used for structural design. Args: truss (Truss object): only uses truss object as container for nodes. No other attributes needed. Returns: float: Fitness score. Computed as :math:`f(x) = \Sigma_{i=1}^{n/2}(100*(x_{2i-1}^2 - x_{2i}^2)^2 + (x_{2i-1} - 1)^2)` :math:`n` is determined from size of nodes array, :math:`x_i` are entries of node array. """ x = truss.rand_nodes.flatten() if x.size % 2: x = x[1:] # need an even number of elements n = x.size f = 0 for i in range(int(n/2)): f += 100*(x[2*i]**2 - x[2*i+1])**2 + (x[2*i] - 1)**2 return f
[docs] @staticmethod def rastrigin(truss): """n-dimensional Restrigin function. Global min at x=0 where f=0. This method is primarily supplied for testing of the genetic algorithm, and should not be used for structural design. Args: truss (Truss object): only uses truss object as container for nodes. No other attributes needed. Returns: float: fitness score. Computed as :math:`f(x) = 10n + \Sigma_{i=1}^n (x_i^2 -10\cos{(2 \pi x_i)})` :math:`n` is determined from size of nodes array, :math:`x_i` are entries of node array. """ A = 10 # normalizing parameters x = truss.rand_nodes.flatten() n = x.size x2 = x**2 cosx = np.cos(2*np.pi*x) f = A*n + np.sum(x2-A*cosx) return f
[docs] def __call__(self, truss): """Computes fitness score and stores it in truss object. Used when a FitnessFunction object has been created with the method to be used and any necessary parameters. Args: truss (Truss object): truss to be scored. Returns: None """ f = self.equation(truss, **self.parameters) truss.fitness_score = f return truss