Source code for gastop.mutator

This file is a part of GASTOp
Authors: Amlan Sinha, Cristian Lacey, Daniel Shaw, Paul Kaneelil, Rory Conlin, Susan Redmond
Licensed under GNU GPLv3.
This module implements the Mutator class.

import numpy as np
from gastop import Truss

[docs]class Mutator(): '''Randomly mutates the whole/specific attributes belonging to the parents. When creating a new Mutator() obejct, it must be initialized with dictionary mutator_params (containing mutation method). The Mutator() Object can then be used as a function that mutates parents according to the specified method, such as gaussian, pseudo_bit_flip and shuffle_index. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, mutator_params): """Creates a Mutator object. Once instantiated, the Mutator object can be called as a function to alter the parent array using the specified methods and parameters Args: mutator_params (dict): Dictionary containing: - ``'node_mutator_method'`` *(str)*: Name of method to use for node mutation. - ``'edge_mutator_method'`` *(str)*: Name of method to use for edge mutation. - ``'property_mutator_method'`` *(str)*: Name of method to use for property mutation. - ``'node_mutator_params'`` *(dict)*: Dictionary of parameters for node method. - ``'edge_mutator_params'`` *(dict)*: Dictionary of parameters for edge method. - ``'property_mutator_params'`` *(dict)*: Dictionary of parameters for property method. - ``'user_spec_nodes'`` *(ndarray)*: Array of user specified nodes that should be passed on unaltered. Returns: Mutator callable object. """ self.params = mutator_params self.node_method = getattr(self, self.params['node_mutator_method']) self.edge_method = getattr(self, self.params['edge_mutator_method']) self.property_method = getattr( self, self.params['property_mutator_method'])
[docs] @staticmethod def gaussian(array, std, boundaries, int_flag): # Paul '''Performs a gaussian mutation on the given parent array The gaussian mutator method creates a child array by mutating the given parent array. The mutation is done by adding a random value from the gaussian distribution with a user specified standard deviation to each of the elements in the parent array. Since values need to be within a specified boundary, any elements that are mutated out of bounds on one side are looped inside the other side by the same amount, assuming a periodic boundary. Args: array (ndarray): Numpy array containing the information for the parent array that is being mutated. std (float or array-like): Standard deviation for mutation. If array-like, std[i] is used as the standard deviation for array[:,i]. boundaries (array-like): Domain of allowable values. If a value is mutated outside this region, it is looped back around to the other side. int_flag (bool): flag specifying whether output should be ints. Returns: new_array (ndarray): Numpy array containing information for the mutated child. ''' nn = np.shape(array) # makes an array of the same size as the one given with random values\ # pulled from a normal distribution with mean 0 and std given gauss_val = np.random.normal(0, std, nn) # creates the new mutated array with values mutated at all indices new_array = array + gauss_val # new method to handle out of bounds problem: loop around on other side new_array = boundaries[0, :] + ((new_array-boundaries[0, :]) % (boundaries[1, :]-boundaries[0, :])) # checks for flag that specifies whether output should be an integer and rounds the \ # output arrays if int_flag: new_array = (np.rint(new_array)).astype(int) return new_array
[docs] @staticmethod def pseudo_bit_flip(parent, boundaries, proportions, int_flag): # Amlan ''' Mutate specific values of the parent and return the mutant child. The pseudo_bit_flip method creates a random binary matrix with a fixed ratio of 1s and 0s as specified by the user. It also creates another random matrix with elements within the domain specified by the user. It then replaces the elements from the original matrix with the corresponding elements in the new matrix only if the corresponding element in the binary matrix is 1. Args: parent (ndarray): Numpy array containing the information for the parent array that is being mutated. boundaries (array-like): Domain of allowable values. proportions (float): Ratio of 1s and 0s in the binary matrix used in the pseudo bit flip algorithm int_flat (bool): flag specifying whether output should be ints. Returns: child (numpy array): Numpy array containing information for the mutated child. ''' # Random binary matrix with a user-specified ratio of 1s and 0s B = np.random.choice([0, 1], size=parent.shape, p=[ 1.-proportions, proportions]) # Random matrix whose elements are chosen randomly within the domain M = np.random.uniform(boundaries[0, :], boundaries[1, :], parent.shape) # Mutating the parent child = np.multiply( B, M)+np.multiply((np.ones(parent.shape)-B), parent) # Checking for flag to force integer output if int_flag: child = (np.floor(child)).astype(int) return child
[docs] @staticmethod def shuffle_index(parent): ''' Mutate the parent by swapping an index with another within the same array. First, the shuffle_index method creates two random matrices. It then compares the two matrices. If the entry in the first matrix is greater than the entry in the second matrix, then it permutes the corresponding elements in the original matrix. Args: parent (numpy array): Numpy array containing the information for the parent array that is being mutated. Returns: child (numpy array): Numpy array containing information for the mutated child. ''' A = np.random.random(parent.shape) B = np.random.random(parent.shape) child = np.copy(parent) check = B < A child[check] = np.random.permutation(child[check]) return child
[docs] def __call__(self, truss): """Calls a mutator object on a truss to change it. Mutator object must have been instantiated specifying which methods to use. Args: truss (Truss object): Truss to be mutated. Returns: child (Truss object): Child truss produced by mutation. """ user_spec_nodes = self.params['user_spec_nodes'] child = Truss(user_spec_nodes, 0, 0, 0) child.rand_nodes = self.node_method( truss.rand_nodes, **self.params['node_mutator_params']) child.edges = self.edge_method( truss.edges, **self.params['edge_mutator_params']) = self.property_method(, **self.params['property_mutator_params']) return child