Source code for gastop.progmon

This file is a part of GASTOp
Authors: Amlan Sinha, Cristian Lacey, Daniel Shaw, Paul Kaneelil, Rory Conlin, Susan Redmond
Licensed under GNU GPLv3.
This module implements the ProgMon class.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import collections

[docs]class ProgMon(): """Plots fitness score or truss evolution and stores population statistics. This class takes in the current sorted population and displays information based on the user requests. If truss monitoring is requested it calls the plot method. The population stats are returned via GenAlg and written to a json file, allowing the user to plot the evolution after the optimization is complete. """
[docs] def __init__(self, progress_fitness, progress_truss, num_generations, domain=None, loads=None, fixtures=None): """Creates a ProgMon object Once created, the object will store all of the relavant information about a progess monitor. The figures are also initialized upon object instatiation. Args: progress_fitness (boolean): if true the minimum fitness score of the population is plotted each iteration progress_truss (boolean): if true the truss corresponding to the minimum fitness score is displayed each iteration num_generations (integer): indicates the number of generations, used when initializing the fitness figure domain (numpy array): indicates bounds of design area, used when *progress_truss* is true loads (numpy array): indicates magnitude and direction of loads applied to *user_spec_nodes*, used when *progress_truss* is true fixtures (numpy array): indicates fixed DOFs of *user_spec_nodes*, used when *progress_truss* is true Returns: Nothing """ self.progress_fitness = progress_fitness self.progress_truss = progress_truss self.num_gens = num_generations self.pop_progress = collections.defaultdict(dict) self.pop_start = [] self.box_size = [] self.domain = domain self.loads = loads self.fixtures = fixtures if self.progress_fitness and self.progress_truss: self.fig = plt.figure(figsize = [10, 5]) self.ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) self.ax1.set_title('Fitness Score Evolution') self.ax1.set_yscale('log') plt.xlim(0, self.num_gens+1.0) plt.ylabel('Minimum Fitness Score') plt.xlabel('Generation') self.ax3 = self.fig.add_subplot(122, projection='3d') elif self.progress_fitness: fig = plt.figure() self.ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.xlim(0, self.num_gens+1.0) plt.ylabel('Minimum Fitness Score') plt.xlabel('Generation') self.ax1.set_title('Fitness Score Evolution') self.ax1.set_yscale('log') elif self.progress_truss: self.fig = plt.figure() self.ax3 = self.fig.gca(projection='3d')
[docs] def progress_monitor(self, current_gen, population): """Updates progress monitor plots Function is passed the sorted population and plots either the current generation's best fitness score, best truss, or both. If the truss is displayed, the plot method of the truss object is called but passed the figure instantiated in the init method. Args: progress_fitness (boolean): if true the minimum fitness score of the population is plotted each iteration progress_truss (boolean): if true the truss corresponding to the minimum fitness score is displayed each iteration num_generations (integer): indicates the number of generations, used when initializing the *progress_fitness* figure domain (numpy array): indicates bounds of design area, used when *progress_truss* is true loads (numpy array): indicates magnitude and direction of loads applied to *user_spec_nodes*, used when *progress_truss* is true fixtures (numpy array): indicates fixed DOFs of *user_spec_nodes*, used when *progress_truss* is true Returns: Nothing """ try: fitscore = [i.fitness_score for i in population] fitscore_min = fitscore[0] fitscore_median = np.median(fitscore) fitscore_range = fitscore[-1] - fitscore_min best_truss = population[0] pop_stats = [current_gen+1,best_truss,fitscore_min,fitscore_median,fitscore_range] dict_headings = ['Generation','Best Truss','Best Fitness Score', 'Population Median Fitness Score','Population Fitness Score Range'] # Store population stats: for j in range(5): self.pop_progress['Generation '+str(current_gen+1)][dict_headings[j]] = pop_stats[j] except TypeError: # population has no len when called from save_gif fitscore = population.fitness_score fitscore_min = fitscore best_truss = population if current_gen == 0: # store initial min fitscore (should be worst) for plotting box self.pop_start = fitscore_min if self.progress_fitness: self.ax1.scatter(current_gen+1.0, fitscore_min, c=[[0, 0, 0]]) [txt.set_visible(False) for txt in self.ax1.texts] self.ax1.text(self.num_gens-1.0, self.pop_start, 'Min Fitness Score: ' + str(round( fitscore_min, 3)), bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=1),horizontalalignment='right') plt.pause(0.001) if self.progress_truss: self.ax3.cla() best_truss.plot(domain=self.domain, loads = self.loads, fixtures=self.fixtures, ax=self.ax3, fig=self.fig) self.ax3.text(self.domain[1][0]-1.0, self.domain[1][1]-1.0, self.domain[1] [2], "Iteration: " + str(current_gen+1.0), bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=1)) plt.pause(0.001)